Homeopathy is safe, gentle and effective modality of medical care.

An integrated approach which does not counteract conventional medicine. It complements it.

Coming from a conventional medicine background, I am very familiar with the use diagnostic labels to refer to a person's disease, which greatly facilitates communication between medical professionals. There is no issue using the diagnosis as a way to understand the prognosis and the degree of pathological change. The diagnostic criteria are very helpful in that they consider not only the symptomatology of the person, but also, test results including bloodwork, genetic testing, imaging or biopsy results. It is very important to understand the severity of disease in each person.

In Homeopathy, we look more in depth into a combination of elements that make up that person in their totality and factors that led each one of us to become ill with a particular set of symptoms. This depends much more on epigenetics than in our genetic makeup and family histories. Beyond this, it depends on our own history, our own predispositions and sensitivities, which leads us to present with particularities that are unique to each person.

For example, two people complaining of migraines will have very different ways in which they experience it. One might power through and go to work all day and then crash at 7 pm and sleep all night feeling better the next day. Another person with the same diagnosis might become completely dysfunctional with the migraine to a point of having to stay in a dark cool room for 2 days. Homeopathy explores these details and the process is different for each case.

The homeopathic process of receiving the case, working through all the details and the process of analyzing the findings, indicating the medicine which matches the symptom-picture will be different in each person, as they express their illness in different ways.